For your convenience, several ESA usage examples are provided in this
section. Some examples may also be presented earlier in the
documentation. If you would like to share your own examples with us,
please file an issue on GitHub. If you’d like even more
examples (though in a much less reader friendly format), check out
ESA’s tests,
specifically the test_saw.py
ESA Quick Start¶
The following example is also presented in the Quick Start section.
This “quick start” example has several purposes:
Illustrate how ESA is used with a simple power system model.
Demonstrate how to perform common tasks (e.g. solving the power flow, retrieving simulation data such as bus voltages and power injections).
Show the usefulness of some of ESA’s high level helper functions which do more than simply wrap SimAuto functions.
Before running the example below, define a CASE_PATH constant (the file
path to a PowerWorld .pwb
case file) like so (adapt the path as
needed for your system):
CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\ieee_14\IEEE 14 bus_pws_version_21.pwb"
On to the quick start!
Start by Importing the SimAuto Wrapper (SAW) class:
>>> from esa import SAW
Initialize SAW instance using 14 bus test case:
>>> saw = SAW(FileName=CASE_PATH)
Solve the power flow:
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
Retrieve power flow results for buses. This will return a Pandas DataFrame to make your life easier.
>>> bus_data = saw.get_power_flow_results('bus')
>>> bus_data
BusNum BusName BusPUVolt BusAngle BusNetMW BusNetMVR
0 1 Bus 1 1.060000 0.000000 232.391691 -16.549389
1 2 Bus 2 1.045000 -4.982553 18.300001 30.855957
2 3 Bus 3 1.010000 -12.725027 -94.199997 6.074852
3 4 Bus 4 1.017672 -10.312829 -47.799999 3.900000
4 5 Bus 5 1.019515 -8.773799 -7.600000 -1.600000
5 6 Bus 6 1.070000 -14.220869 -11.200000 5.229700
6 7 Bus 7 1.061520 -13.359558 0.000000 0.000000
7 8 Bus 8 1.090000 -13.359571 0.000000 17.623067
8 9 Bus 9 1.055933 -14.938458 -29.499999 4.584888
9 10 Bus 10 1.050986 -15.097221 -9.000000 -5.800000
10 11 Bus 11 1.056907 -14.790552 -3.500000 -1.800000
11 12 Bus 12 1.055189 -15.075512 -6.100000 -1.600000
12 13 Bus 13 1.050383 -15.156196 -13.500001 -5.800000
13 14 Bus 14 1.035531 -16.033565 -14.900000 -5.000000
Retrieve power flow results for generators:
>>> gen_data = saw.get_power_flow_results('gen')
>>> gen_data
BusNum GenID GenMW GenMVR
0 1 1 232.391691 -16.549389
1 2 1 40.000001 43.555957
2 3 1 0.000000 25.074852
3 6 1 0.000000 12.729700
4 8 1 0.000000 17.623067
To learn more about variables such as GenMW
, see
PowerWorld Variables.
Let’s change generator injections! But first, we need to know which fields PowerWorld needs in order to identify generators. These fields are known as key fields.
>>> gen_key_fields = saw.get_key_field_list('gen')
>>> gen_key_fields
['BusNum', 'GenID']
Change generator active power injection at buses 3 and 8 via SimAuto function:
>>> params = gen_key_fields + ['GenMW']
>>> values = [[3, '1', 30], [8, '1', 50]]
>>> saw.ChangeParametersMultipleElement(ObjectType='gen', ParamList=params, ValueList=values)
Did changing generator active power injections work? Let’s confirm:
>>> new_gen_data = saw.GetParametersMultipleElement(ObjectType='gen', ParamList=params)
>>> new_gen_data
BusNum GenID GenMW
0 1 1 232.391691
1 2 1 40.000001
2 3 1 30.000001
3 6 1 0.000000
4 8 1 50.000000
It would seem the generator active power injections have changed. Let’s re-run the power flow and see if bus voltages and angles change. Spoiler: they do.
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
>>> new_bus_data = saw.get_power_flow_results('bus')
>>> cols = ['BusPUVolt', 'BusAngle']
>>> diff = bus_data[cols] - new_bus_data[cols]
>>> diff
BusPUVolt BusAngle
0 0.000000e+00 0.000000
1 -1.100000e-07 -2.015596
2 -5.700000e-07 -4.813164
3 -8.650700e-03 -3.920185
4 -7.207540e-03 -3.238592
5 -5.900000e-07 -4.586528
6 -4.628790e-03 -7.309167
7 -3.190000e-06 -11.655362
8 -7.189370e-03 -6.284631
9 -6.256150e-03 -5.987861
10 -3.514030e-03 -5.297895
11 -2.400800e-04 -4.709888
12 -1.351040e-03 -4.827348
13 -4.736110e-03 -5.662158
Wouldn’t it be easier if we could change parameters with a DataFrame? Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to manually check if our updates were respected? You’re in luck!
Create a copy of the gen_data
DataFrame so that we can modify its
values and use it to update parameters in PowerWorld. Then, change the
generation for the generators at buses 2, 3, and 6.
>>> gen_copy = gen_data.copy(deep=True)
>>> gen_copy.loc[gen_copy['BusNum'].isin([2, 3, 6]), 'GenMW'] = [0.0, 100.0, 100.0]
>>> gen_copy
BusNum GenID GenMW GenMVR
0 1 1 232.391691 -16.549389
1 2 1 0.000000 43.555957
2 3 1 100.000000 25.074852
3 6 1 100.000000 12.729700
4 8 1 0.000000 17.623067
Use helper function change_and_confirm_params_multiple_element
both command the generators and to confirm that PowerWorld respected the
command. This is incredibly useful because if you directly use
, PowerWorld may unexpectedly not
update the parameter you tried to change! If the following does not
raise an exception, we’re in good shape (it doesn’t)!
>>> saw.change_and_confirm_params_multiple_element(ObjectType='gen', command_df=gen_copy.drop('GenMVR', axis=1))
Run the power flow and observe the change in generation at the slack bus (bus 1):
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
>>> new_gen_data = saw.get_power_flow_results('gen')
>>> new_gen_data
BusNum GenID GenMW GenMVR
0 1 1 62.128144 14.986289
1 2 1 0.000000 10.385347
2 3 1 100.000000 0.000000
3 6 1 100.000000 -3.893420
4 8 1 0.000000 17.399502
What if we try to change generator voltage set points? Start by getting a DataFrame with the current settings. Remember to always access the key fields so that when we want to update parameters later PowerWorld knows how to find the generators.
>>> gen_v = saw.GetParametersMultipleElement('gen', gen_key_fields + ['GenRegPUVolt'])
>>> gen_v
BusNum GenID GenRegPUVolt
0 1 1 1.060000
1 2 1 1.045000
2 3 1 1.025425
3 6 1 1.070000
4 8 1 1.090000
Now, change all voltage set points to 1 per unit:
>>> gen_v['GenRegPUVolt'] = 1.0
>>> gen_v
BusNum GenID GenRegPUVolt
0 1 1 1.0
1 2 1 1.0
2 3 1 1.0
3 6 1 1.0
4 8 1 1.0
>>> saw.change_and_confirm_params_multiple_element('gen', gen_v)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\esa\saw.py", line 199, in change_and_confirm_params_multiple_element
raise CommandNotRespectedError(m)
esa.saw.CommandNotRespectedError: After calling ChangeParametersMultipleElement, not all parameters were actually changed within PowerWorld. Try again with a different parameter (e.g. use GenVoltSet instead of GenRegPUVolt).
So, PowerWorld didn’t respect that command, but we’ve been saved from
future confusion by the change_and_confirm_params_multiple_element
helper function.
Let’s call the LoadState SimAuto function:
>>> saw.LoadState()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\esa\saw.py", line 967, in LoadState
return self._call_simauto('LoadState')
File "C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\esa\saw.py", line 1227, in _call_simauto
raise PowerWorldError(output[0])
esa.saw.PowerWorldError: LoadState: State hasn't been previously stored.
This behavior is expected - it is not valid to call LoadState
has not yet been called. In the exception above, not that
a PowerWorldError
is raised. This empowers users to handle
exceptions in whatever manner they see fit:
>>> from esa import PowerWorldError
>>> try:
... saw.LoadState()
... except PowerWorldError:
... print("Oh my, we've encountered a PowerWorldError!")
Oh my, we've encountered a PowerWorldError!
Finally, make sure to clean up after yourself so you don’t have COM objects hanging around.
>>> saw.exit()
After walking through this quick start, you should be ready to start using ESA to improve your simulation and analysis work flows!
Increase Loading in Case¶
The following example is also presented in the What Is ESA? section.
This simple example uniformly increases the loading in a power system model by 50%.
If you want to follow along, you’ll first need to define your own
constant (the file path to a PowerWorld .pwb
file), like so (adapt the path for your system):
CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\ieee_14\IEEE 14 bus_pws_version_21.pwb"
Then, import the SimAuto wrapper (SAW) class and initialize an instance:
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> saw = SAW(CASE_PATH)
Retrieve key fields for loads:
>>> kf = saw.get_key_field_list('load')
>>> kf
['BusNum', 'LoadID']
Pull load data including active and reactive power demand:
>>> load_frame = saw.GetParametersMultipleElement('load', kf + ['LoadSMW', 'LoadSMVR'])
>>> load_frame
BusNum LoadID LoadSMW LoadSMVR
0 2 1 21.699999 12.700000
1 3 1 94.199997 19.000000
2 4 1 47.799999 -3.900000
3 5 1 7.600000 1.600000
4 6 1 11.200000 7.500000
5 9 1 29.499999 16.599999
6 10 1 9.000000 5.800000
7 11 1 3.500000 1.800000
8 12 1 6.100000 1.600000
9 13 1 13.500001 5.800000
10 14 1 14.900000 5.000000
To learn more about variables such as LoadSMW
, see
PowerWorld Variables.
Uniformly increase loading by 50% and solve the power flow:
>>> load_frame[['LoadSMW', 'LoadSMVR']] *= 1.5
>>> saw.change_parameters_multiple_element_df('load', load_frame)
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
Let’s confirm that the loading did indeed increase:
>>> new_loads = saw.GetParametersMultipleElement('load', kf + ['LoadSMW', 'LoadSMVR'])
>>> new_loads
BusNum LoadID LoadSMW LoadSMVR
0 2 1 32.549998 19.050001
1 3 1 141.299999 28.500000
2 4 1 71.699995 -5.850000
3 5 1 11.400000 2.400000
4 6 1 16.800001 11.250000
5 9 1 44.250000 24.900000
6 10 1 13.500001 8.700000
7 11 1 5.250000 2.700000
8 12 1 9.150000 2.400000
9 13 1 20.250002 8.700000
10 14 1 22.350000 7.500000
Clean up when done:
>>> saw.exit()
Easy, isn’t it?
Add Lines to Case¶
This example shows how to add transmission lines to a model.
Before starting the example, please define the constants
(the file path to a PowerWorld .pwb
case file) and
(file path to a .csv
file with data related to
lines we’d like to add to the model) like the following, adapting paths
to your system. You can find the case and .csv file referenced in the
directory of the ESA repository.
CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\tx2000\tx2000_base_pws_version_21.pwb"
CANDIDATE_LINES = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\data\CandidateLines.csv"
Import packages/classes and read the CANDIDATE_LINES
.csv file.
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> line_df = pd.read_csv(CANDIDATE_LINES)
>>> line_df
From Number To Number Ckt R X B Lim MVA A
0 8155 5358 3 0.00037 0.00750 0.52342 2768
1 8154 8135 3 0.00895 0.03991 0.00585 149
2 8153 8108 3 0.01300 0.05400 0.02700 186
3 8152 8160 3 0.00538 0.03751 0.00613 221
4 8155 8057 3 0.00037 0.00750 0.52342 2768
5 8154 8153 3 0.01300 0.05400 0.02700 186
6 8155 8135 3 0.00538 0.03751 0.00613 221
Instantiate a SAW
object. Set CreateIfNotFound
to True
that new lines can be added:
>>> saw=SAW(FileName=CASE_PATH, CreateIfNotFound=True, early_bind=True)
Rename columns in the line_df
to match PowerWorld variables. We are
renaming variables from the “Concise Variable Name” convention to the
“Variable Name” convention. See power_world_object_fields.xlsx.
Also note this issue is also
relevant. To learn more about PowerWorld variables, see
PowerWorld Variables.
>>> line_df.rename(
... columns={
... 'From Number': 'BusNum',
... 'To Number': 'BusNum:1',
... 'Ckt': 'LineCircuit',
... 'R': 'LineR',
... 'X': 'LineX',
... 'B': 'LineC',
... 'Lim MVA A': 'LineAMVA'
... },
... inplace=True)
>>> line_df.columns
Index(['BusNum', 'BusNum:1', 'LineCircuit', 'LineR', 'LineX', 'LineC',
Secondary and tertiary limits are required fields that we must add manually, since they were not present in the .csv file:
>>> line_df['LineAMVA:1'] = 0.0
>>> line_df['LineAMVA:2'] = 0.0
Check to see if the first line is actually present. An error will indicate that it’s not.
>>> line_key_fields = saw.get_key_field_list('branch')
>>> line_key_fields
['BusNum', 'BusNum:1', 'LineCircuit']
>>> first_line = saw.GetParametersSingleElement('branch', line_key_fields, line_df.loc[0, line_key_fields].tolist())
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\esa\saw.py", line 693, in GetParametersSingleElement
output = self._call_simauto('GetParametersSingleElement', ObjectType,
File "C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\esa\saw.py", line 1227, in _call_simauto
raise PowerWorldError(output[0])
esa.saw.PowerWorldError: GetParameters: Object not found
Enter edit mode to enable the creation of new devices, and use
the change_and_confirm_params_multiple_element
helper function to
easily create the lines. This function will automagically confirm that
the lines will be created.
>>> saw.RunScriptCommand("EnterMode(EDIT);")
>>> saw.change_and_confirm_params_multiple_element('branch', line_df)
Now, we should be able to find that first line without error:
>>> first_line = saw.GetParametersSingleElement('branch', line_key_fields, line_df.loc[0, line_key_fields].tolist())
>>> first_line
BusNum 8152
BusNum:1 8160
LineCircuit 3
dtype: object
Always clean up:
>>> saw.exit()
Transient Stability Analysis¶
This example illustrates the procedure to perform transient stability(TS) analysis
and obtain the TS result. To retrieve the result, the most convenient way is to create
a plot object and connect the object/fields pairs to it, then you will be able to query it
using the TSGetCongencyResults
CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\il200\ACTIVSg200.pwb"
Load the case first and then solve a PF (optional):
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> saw = SAW(CASE_PATH)
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
Then perform TS analysis (make sure you already have a desired plot object)
>>> t1 = 0.0
>>> t2 = 15.0
>>> stepsize = 0.01
# Solve.
>>> cmd = 'TSSolve("{}",[{},{},{},NO])'.format(
self.ctg_name, t1, t2, stepsize
>>> saw.RunScriptCommand(cmd)
Once it is done, you could retrieve (and visualize) the results:
>>> objFieldList = ['Plot ''Area_Avg Bus Hz'''] # "Area_Avg Bus Hz" is the plot name
>>> result = sa.TSGetContingencyResults("My Transient Contingency", objFieldList, 0, 12) # "My Transient Contingency" is the contingency name
>>> df = result[1] #result[0] is meta data
>>> df.columns = ['Time (s)', 'Area_Avg Bus Hz']
>>> df.plot(x='Time (s)', y='Area_Avg Bus Hz')

The whole process, including setting up plots and creating contingencies, could be fully automated, but it might be easier for most users to pre-define the plots and contingencies in the case and then load the case using ESA. GetParametersMultipleElement cannot be used here to retrieve the TS datapoints (which is a very rare situation).
10/26/2022 Update You could access and modify the TS-related objects and fields using ESA. In other words, no need to create and use the aux file for those tasks. If you encounter errors when accessing some of the objects, setting pw_order (a SAW property) to true might solve the issue.
Fast Contingency Analysis¶
This example shows how to do fast contingency analysis (N-1 & N-2) using ESA. The fast contingency analysis is a slightly improved implementation of this paper. It is generally much faster than the built-in CA that simulator provides (which, by the way, could also be invoked from ESA).
The initialization procedure is the same as others.
>>> CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\tx2000\tx2000_base_pws_version_21.pwb"
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> saw = SAW(CASE_PATH)
Make sure your case already has a valid operating states. If not, run power flow first:
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
Then let’s run N-1 first.
>>> saw.run_contingency_analysis('N-1')
The size of N-1 islanding set is 451.0
Fast N-1 analysis was performed, 156 dangerous N-1 contigencies were found, 138 lines are violated
Grid is not N-1 secure. Invoke n1_protect function to automatically increasing limits through lines.
Out: (False, array([0, 0, 0, ..., 1, 0, 0]), None)
So the test system (TX2000) is not N-1 secured. In this case, when running N-2, the line limit will be automatically adjusted to ensure no N-1 violations. Based on the use case you have, you could adjust the line limits manually as well.
>>> saw.run_contingency_analysis('N-2')

You could also validate the fast CA result with the built-in CA result by simply set the argument validate=True when calling run_contingency_analysis function.
Contingency Analysis using PW Built-in capability¶
This example shows how to perform the contingency analysis via PW’s built-in capability. We assume you already have the aux file that contains all the contingencies.
The initialization procedure is the same as others.
>>> CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\tx2000\tx2000_base_pws_version_21.pwb"
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> saw = SAW(CASE_PATH, CreateIfNotFound=True)
>>> saw.pw_order = True
Make sure your case already has a valid operating states. If not, run power flow first:
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
Then load the auxiliary file into Powerworld.
>>> filepath_aux = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\tx2000\tx2000_contingency_auxfile.aux"
>>> saw.ProcessAuxFile(filepath_aux)
Run the powerworld script command to solve all the contingencies that are not set to skip in the loaded auxiliary file.
>>> cmd_solve = 'CTGSolveAll({},{})'.format('NO','YES')
>>> saw.RunScriptCommand(cmd_solve)
Use ESA to obtain the CA result
>>> result = saw.GetParametersMultipleElement('Contingency', ['CTGLabel', 'CTGSolved', 'CTGProc', 'CTGCustMonViol', 'CTGViol'])
The result is presented in a Pandas DataFrame.
Create Simple Graph Model¶
This example shows how to easily transform a grid model into a graph supported by NetworkX. NetworkX is a popular Python package for analyzing graph structure, building network models and designing new network algorithms. You’ll first need to install NetworkX into your virtual environment (which should be activated!), which is most easily done by:
python -m pip install networkx
Before following along with the example, define the CASE_PATH
constant (the file path to a PowerWorld .pwb
case file) like so,
adapting the path to your system:
CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\tx2000\tx2000_base_pws_version_21.pwb"
On to the example!
Perform imports, initialize a SAW
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> saw = SAW(CASE_PATH, early_bind=True)
Get a DataFrame with all branches (lines, transformers, etc.):
>>> kf = saw.get_key_field_list('branch')
>>> kf
['BusNum', 'BusNum:1', 'LineCircuit']
>>> branch_df = saw.GetParametersMultipleElement('branch', kf)
>>> branch_df
BusNum BusNum:1 LineCircuit
0 1001 1064 1
1 1001 1064 2
2 1001 1071 1
3 1001 1071 2
4 1002 1007 1
... ... ... ...
3199 8157 5124 1
3200 8157 8156 1
3201 8158 8030 1
3202 8159 8158 1
3203 8160 8159 1
[3204 rows x 3 columns]
To learn more about variables such as LineCircuit
, see
PowerWorld Variables.
Create the graph from the DataFrame. Yes, it is this simple. Use
instead of MultiGraph
if there are no parallel branches.
>>> graph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(branch_df, "BusNum", "BusNum:1", create_using=nx.MultiGraph)
>>> graph.number_of_nodes()
>>> graph.number_of_edges()
Clean up:
Created Graph Model with Edges Weighted by Branch Impedance¶
This example shows how one can create a weighted graph using branch
impedance values from a PowerWorld grid model as weights. You’ll need to
have the NetworkX Python package
installed into your virtual environment in order to execute this example
on your machine (python -m pip install networkx
Please note that this example does NOT work with Simulator version 17 (
and possibly other versions of Simulator older than version 21). For an
unknown reason, PowerWorld itself throws an exception when trying to run
the SaveYbusInMatlabFormat
script command. If you have a solution
to this problem, please file an issue.
Before following along with the example, define the CASE_PATH
constant (the file path to a PowerWorld .pwb
case file) like so,
adapting the path to your system:
CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\ieee_14\IEEE 14 bus_pws_version_21.pwb"
Imports and initialization:
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> import re
>>> import os
>>> saw = SAW(CASE_PATH, early_bind=True)
>>> g = nx.Graph()
Save YBus matrix to file:
>>> ybus_file = CASE_PATH.replace('pwb', 'mat')
>>> cmd = 'SaveYbusInMatlabFormat("{}", NO)'.format(ybus_file)
>>> saw.RunScriptCommand(cmd)
Read YBus matrix file into memory. The first two lines are skipped via
the readline
method because they aren’t needed.
>>> with open(ybus_file, 'r') as f:
... f.readline()
... f.readline()
... mat_str = f.read()
'j = sqrt(-1);\n'
'Ybus = sparse(14);\n'
We’re done with the file itself now. Remove it:
>>> os.remove(ybus_file)
Remove all white space, split by semicolons, and define a couple regular expressions (ie –> integer expression, fe –> float expression):
>>> mat_str = re.sub(r'\s', '', mat_str)
>>> lines = re.split(';', mat_str)
>>> ie = r'[0-9]+'
>>> fe = r'-*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'
>>> exp = re.compile(r'(?:Ybus\()({ie}),({ie})(?:\)=)({fe})(?:\+j\*)(?:\()({fe})'.format(ie=ie, fe=fe))
Loop over the lines from the file and build up the graph. Ignore diagonal Y bus matrix entries and buses which are not connected (have 0 admittance between them).
>>> for line in lines:
... match = exp.match(line)
... if match is None:
... continue
... idx1, idx2, real, imag = match.groups()
... if idx1 == idx2:
... continue
... neg_admittance = float(real) + 1j * float(imag)
... try:
... impedance = -1 / neg_admittance
... except ZeroDivisionError:
... continue
... g.add_edge(int(idx1), int(idx2), r=impedance.real, x=impedance.imag)
Explore some graph properties to ensure it worked:
>>> g.number_of_nodes()
>>> g.number_of_edges()
>>> data_1_2 = g.get_edge_data(1, 2)
>>> data_1_2['r']
>>> data_1_2['x']
As always, clean up when done:
>>> saw.exit()
Plot Histogram of Line Flows with Matplotlib¶
This examples shows how to make a histogram of percent line loading in a power system model using SimAuto, ESA, and Matplotlib.
Matplotlib is a “comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.” You’ll first need to install Matplotlib into your virtual environment (which should be activated!), which is most easily done by:
python -m pip install -U matplotlib
Before following along with the example, define the CASE_PATH constant
(the file path to a PowerWorld .pwb
case file) like so, adapting the
path to your system.
CASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\myuser\git\ESA\tests\cases\tx2000\tx2000_base_pws_version_21.pwb"
Now let’s get started!
Perform imports, initialize a SAW
>>> from esa import SAW
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Initialize SAW instance using 2000 bus test case:
>>> saw = SAW(FileName=CASE_PATH)
Solve the power flow:
>>> saw.SolvePowerFlow()
Let’s obtain line loading percentages. But first, we need to know which fields PowerWorld needs in order to identify branches. These fields are known as key fields.
>>> branch_key_fields = saw.get_key_field_list('Branch')
>>> branch_key_fields
['BusNum', 'BusNum:1', 'LineCircuit']
Get line loading percentage at all buses via SimAuto function:
>>> params = branch_key_fields + ['LinePercent']
>>> branch_data = saw.GetParametersMultipleElement(ObjectType='Branch', ParamList=params)
>>> branch_data
BusNum BusNum:1 LineCircuit LinePercent
0 1001 1064 1 30.879348
1 1001 1064 2 30.879348
2 1001 1071 1 35.731801
3 1001 1071 2 35.731801
4 1002 1007 1 5.342946
... ... ... ... ...
3199 8157 5124 1 36.371236
3200 8157 8156 1 46.769588
3201 8158 8030 1 25.982494
3202 8159 8158 1 43.641971
3203 8160 8159 1 57.452701
[3204 rows x 4 columns]
To learn more about variables such as LinePercent
, see
PowerWorld Variables.
Then let’s start to plot with Matplotlib!
>>> axes = branch_data.plot(kind='hist', y='LinePercent')
>>> axes.set_xlabel('Line Percent Loading')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Line Percent Loading')
>>> axes.set_ylabel('Number of Lines')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Number of Lines')
>>> axes.set_title('Histogram of Line Loading')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Histogram of Line Loading')
>>> plt.show(block=False)
The results should look like: